Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal

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Riverbank landscape

Welcome to Edwardsburgh Cardinal

Located in the heart of eastern Ontario within the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal is home to about 7,100 residents.

Image overlooking Spencerville Mill from the bridge with a view of the flower pot

Experience small town charm at its finest in Edwardsburgh Cardinal Township. Home to a tight-knit community this township offers a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere. Take a drive along scenic country roads and admire the rolling farmlands and beautiful vistas. Visit the historic Spencerville Mill or the Battle of the Windmill site and learn about the areas important role in Canadas history. Come explore the natural beauty of this idyllic setting.


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© 2021 Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal

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Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal
18 Centre St. PO Box 129
Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0
Tel: 613-658-3055
Toll Free: 1-866-848-9099