a row of battery storage containers

The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal is pleased to announce that PR Development LP has been awarded a contract by the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to build and operate a cutting-edge battery energy storage system named Skyview 2 right here in our community. PR Development LP is an affiliate of Potentia Renewables Inc., and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation.

As Ontario's electricity demand is projected to surge significantly over the next 25 years, the need for reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity systems is more crucial than ever. The Skyview 2 project will play a pivotal role in meeting this demand, ensuring that our communities flourish, businesses have the confidence to invest, and industries can decarbonize.

The project owners plan for the Skyview battery storage facility to be constructed on 30 acres of rural land approximately 1km north of Dobbie Road, well set back from any homes or other structures. The $750 million facility will include about 400 battery containers, each the size of a 20’ shipping container. With a capacity of 390 megawatts, the facility would hold enough power to run approximately 400,000 homes for four hours. Potentia plans for environmental surveys, design work and engineering in 2024 and 2025, with construction planned for 2026 to have the site operational in 2027.

“This is a game-changing investment that will bring the largest battery storage facility in Canada right here to Edwardsburgh-Cardinal,” writes Mayor Tory Deschamps. “With an investment of over $750 million, this project is set to transform our community in many ways. Not only will it provide a significant boost to our local economy, but it will also deliver tangible benefits directly to our residents.”

The Township is proud to support the development of the Skyview 2 project, which will bring many benefits to our community. Not only will it contribute to the reliability of Ontario's electrical grid, but it will also provide substantial property tax revenues, estimated to be approximately $30 million over its 30-year operational life. Additionally, the project will enter into a Community Benefit Agreement with the Township, ensuring that $300,000 per year will be allocated towards community benefits starting from the project's Commercial Operation Date in 2027.

Furthermore, the safety and well-being of our community are of utmost importance. Potentia Renewables has demonstrated a strong commitment to safety by engaging with local fire authorities, independent battery fire experts, and the equipment provider to develop built-in fire safety measures and a site-specific emergency response plan for the project. Potentia will conduct additional consultations with the community to address any safety concerns.

Two proponents approached the Township in 2023 to seek support for their proposals to the IESO as part of the IESO’s Long Term 1 Request for Proposal (LT1 RFP). Potentia made presentations at Township Committee of the Whole meetings on October 2nd and November 13th before Council provided their support at the regular meeting of Council on November 27th.

Potentia Renewables actively engaged with the community regarding the Skyview 2 project through an open house on November 7th at the Cardinal Ingredion Centre. Meeting details are shared through a dedicated webpage for the project. These engagements provided valuable opportunities for community members to learn about the project and share their input.

“This is an incredible opportunity for our community to thrive and prosper. Imagine the possibilities – new infrastructure, improved services, and so much more. I can’t wait to see how this investment will positively impact our lives.”
- Mayor Tory Deschamps

The Skyview 2 project is a significant step forward in advancing sustainable and reliable energy solutions while bringing tangible benefits to our community. The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal looks forward to the positive impact that the Skyview 2 battery energy storage system will bring to our region.

For more information

Mayor Tory Deschamps

Potentia Renewables Inc. 

What is a battery energy storage system?

A battery energy storage system, like Skyview 2, plays a critical role in balancing the supply and demand of electricity. By storing excess energy during periods of low demand and releasing it during peak hours, these systems help stabilize the electrical grid, making it more reliable and efficient. This technology not only supports the integration of renewable energy sources but also serves as an insurance policy for grid operators, ensuring a consistent and secure power supply for our community.

Energy storage: powering Ontario communities

This video was published by the Ontario IESO on June 14, 2023