Burn permits are required for any open air burning in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. 

Applying for a burn permit and activation

Burn permits are available online at ec.burnpermits.com.  Annual permits cost $10.00 and can be purchased using the permit system. Alternatively burn permits can be acquired at the Township office. You must acquire a new permit for each calendar year.

You must activate your burn permit before every fire by calling 613-704-2699. Permits remain active for 24 hours after calling. The system will let you know if there is a current fire ban in place, restricting open air burning.
Tip: If you call from the phone number registered on your account, the system will automatically recognize you. Just listen to the menu options and select what you want to do.

Open air burning regulations for campfires

The only type of open air fires permitted in the urban areas of Cardinal, Johnstown, Spencerville and New Wexford are recreational campfires consisting of a small, confined fire, used for cooking or recreational purposes.

Campfires must be:

  • No more than 60 cm in height, width and length
  • No closer than six metres to any structure (including fences), wooded area, property line, flammable material, hydro or telephone line or service
  • Supervised at all times
  • Contained in a ring or pit with a minimum height of 15 cm and a maximum diameter of 60 cm
  • Constructed of non-combustible material, such as metal or concrete

When burning, you must ensure that you do not start a campfire on days with fog, rain, wind or any other conditions that prevent the steady dispersion of smoke. Be considerate of your neighbours when burning. The Edwardsburgh Cardinal Fire Department may deny or revoke a permit if smoke causes discomfort to anyone in the area.

Burned materials

Only seasoned dry firewood may be burned. 

You are not permitted to burn:

  • Leaves, branches or pine needles
  • Any other yard waste
  • Petroleum products
  • Plastics
  • Rubber
  • Materials that create excessive smoke
  • Any materials prohibited by the Environmental Protection Act

For more information, view our open air burning bylawNon-compliance will result in a $150 fine and possible permit revocation. Any firefighting costs incurred are the responsibility of the permit holder.

Brush pile fires and burn barrels

Brush pile fires or burn barrels are not permitted in the urban areas of Spencerville, Cardinal, Johnstown or New Wexford. You must activate your burn permit before every fire by calling 613-704-2699. Permits remain active for 24 hours after calling. The system will let you know if there is a current fire ban in place, restricting open air burning.

Your brush pile fire and burn barrels must:

  • Not exceed 36 cubic metres
  • Only contain wood, tree limbs and yard waste
  • Be supervised at all times
  • Have a minimum clearance of 15 metres in all directions to any structure, wooded area, property line, flammable material, hydro or telephone line or service
  • Be burned between dawn and dusk

Agricultural fires

Agricultural fires are not permitted in the urban areas of Spencerville, Cardinal, Johnstown or New Wexford. You must activate your burn permit before every fire by calling 613-704-2699. Permits remain active for 24 hours after calling. The system will let you know if there is a current fire ban in place, restricting open air burning.

Your agricultural fire must:

  • Not exceed 125 cubic metres
  • Be supervised during the initial free burning stage of the fire
  • Have a minimum clearance of 50 metres in all directions to any structure, roadway, flammable material, hydro or telephone line or service
  • Have a minimum distance of 20 metres to any wooded area or property line
  • Be set and maintained for the purpose of burning wood, tree limbs and branches as part of normal farm practice in clearing land