The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal creates plans, reports and studies that are critical to the growth and development of our community. These plans help set out goals for the Township that staff and Council work to achieve. 

If you would like more information, contact us for a copy of any document listed here.

 Accessibility Plan
  • Multi-year Accessibility Plan
  • Multi-year Accessibility Plan 2019-2020 Status Update
  • Accessible Customer Service Best Practices and Procedures

Learn more about meeting accessibility requirements within the Township.

 Asset Management Plan
The Township's Asset Management Plan guides the Township in delivering municipal services through the development and implementation of asset management strategies and long-term financial planning.
 Official Plan

The Township's Official Plan manages future growth, development and change in our municipality through a framework that guides land use decisions within the Township's boundaries for the next 20 years.

You can also view the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville's Official Plan.

 Emergency Management Plan
The Township's Emergency Management Plan provides key officials, agencies and departments within the Township with a general guideline to initiate a response to an emergency, and an overview of their responsibilities during an emergency.
 Economic Development Strategy
The Township's Economic Development Strategy and Economic Development Strategy Update (2017) guide the Township's efforts in sustainably growing the community's diverse economy through strategic business attraction and retention initiatives.
 Community Improvement Plans
 Community Improvement Program brochure

Learn more about our Township Community Improvement Plans and incentives.

 Technical Report and Groundwater Intake Assessment for Spencerville Wells

Working closely with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Leeds Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit, the Township has investigated concerns raised regarding the water quality in private wells within the Village of Spencerville. 

Contact us to learn more about the Technical Report's results, produced by the Ministry, as well as the Groundwater Intake Assessment, provided by the professionals at JP2G Consulting.

 Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan

The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville and the Town of Prescott have been working with their community partners to develop a Community Safety and Well-being Plan, as mandated by legislation under the Police Services Act. More than 150 individuals, groups, organizations and agencies have been consulted in this process.

A critical element of this framework is understanding the importance of planning "to ensure local plans are as efficient and effective as possible in making communities safer and healthier".

 Johnstown Industrial Park Planning Study

The Johnstown Industrial Park Planning Study is to review and assess the land use in the Official Plan's Future Industrial Park Expansion Area and to make recommendations to Council with respect to whether amendments to the Official Plan and/or its implementing Zoning Bylaw are necessary to accommodate the orderly development and to support the long-term growth and vitality of the Settlement Area and Johnstown Industrial Park.

Interim Control Bylaw 2021-33 and the bylaw to extend the Interim Control Bylaw 2022-33 are directly related to this study.

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2024 to 2029

The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal’s Energy Conservation Plan provides a brief background and summary of the requirements relating to Ontario Regulation 25/23 Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans.