Bylaw Enforcement
Township bylaws establish standards that promote a safe and livable community, support good neighbour interactions and dissuade behaviours that undermine the quality of life in our community, such as aggressive dogs, uncontrolled parking and unsightly properties.
We enforce many regulatory bylaws and some provincial legislation which are a core part of maintaining community standards. Provincial legislation such as the Municipal Act, Highway Traffic Act and Provincial Offences Act to name a few.
Bylaw enforcement strives to achieve voluntary compliance with the Township bylaws and to provide both proactive and reactive enforcement based on the seriousness of the complaint by prioritizing health and safety matters first.
You can also view a list of community bylaws online.
Report a concern
You can report a concern around a bylaw issue online. You can also file a concern at the Township Hall. Please record your name and complete details of the alleged breach. All personal information about complainants will remain confidential. Anonymous complaints will not be investigated.
What to expect if you decide to report a concern
Once the Township receives a written complaint, we will conduct an investigation to see if the complaint is valid and may contact the complainant if there are any questions or further clarification required. If we determine that there is no bylaw infraction, the case will be closed. If the complaint received is applicable to a different department within the Township, the file will be transferred to the correct department for investigation.
If we find that there is a legitimate bylaw infraction, we will contact the third party, provide educational information, outline the bylaw infraction and issue a Warning or Notice of Violation and discuss how the third party can gain compliance with the bylaw. In some cases, we will ask that they make changes on a matter within a certain time period.
Please be aware that Bylaw will respond based on the seriousness of the complaint and will prioritize health and safety matters first.
If the third party makes the requested changes and is no longer committing a bylaw infraction, we will close the investigation. If they fail to comply with the original notice, an order to comply is issued with an established timeline to reach compliance. If they continue to fail to comply, a set fine may be issued and/or paperwork filed to schedule court proceedings.
Frequently asked questions
Can I find out how my complaint is being dealt with? |
The Township appreciates your patience in bylaw enforcement matters, but wishes to advise that due to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, specific details cannot be provided including the status of any possible:
What information is required for a complaint to be investigated? |
The Township will only respond to complaints received from a complainant who provides the following:
Will my complaint be kept confidential? |
All personal information collected during the investigation shall remain confidential and protected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and shall not be intentionally divulged to any member of Council, non-essential municipal staff, and the public or media, unless so ordered by a court for disclosure purposes or other body of competent jurisdiction. |
Flowchart outlining process