The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal issues a variety of licences and permits. Whether you're looking to get married, buy a dog tag or renovate your home or property, we can help.

911 sign applications (Civic Address)

If you own a property in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, you need a 911 sign and post installed on your property. Learn how to apply for a 911 sign.

Building permits

If you're starting a new building or renovation project, you need to apply for a building permit. Learn how to apply and find out what projects require a permit.

Burn permits

You need a burn permit in order to have an open air fire in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. Learn how to apply and find out about our burn permit regulations.

Dog tags

Learn how to apply for an annual dog tag. Dog tags help us return your pet to you in case it goes missing. Review the permit fees and application process.

Entrance permits

If you're looking to widen your driveway or add a new entrance to your property, you need an entrance permit. Learn how to apply and review the application process and fees. 

Municipal Consent/Road Cut permits

The Township's Entranceway Bylaw regulates road activity in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. Except for emergency work, no person shall undertake a road cut on a Township Road without first obtaining a Municipal Consent/Road Cut Permit from the Township to do so.  

What is Municipal Consent?

A Municipal Consent (MC) is the municipality's authorization for a Utility Company to occupy a specific location within the Municipality's Right-Of-Way (ROW). MC's are only issued to utility companies who have the authority to construct, operate, and maintain their infrastructure within the ROW as established through legislation, a Municipal Access Agreement, or a Franchise Agreement.

All projects within the Municipal right-of-way are subject to on-site inspections by The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, Manager of Public Works and must comply with Ontario Provincial Standards Specifications (OPSS 510) 

When is Municipal Consent Required?

All proposed new utility installations or any work done by a Utility Company within the municipal ROW require MC from the Township Public Works Department. Chose one of the following options to submit your application:

Online Municipal Consent/Road Cut Permit Application

Printable pdf. Municipal Consent/Road Cut Permit Application

Lottery licences

You can apply for a lottery licence through the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal if you'd like to sell raffle tickets, bingo games or breakout prizes at your next charitable or community event.

Marriage licences, weddings and civil ceremonies

We can help you prepare for your special day by providing marriage licences and civil ceremony wedding packages. Explore our services and get married right here in Edwardsburgh Cardinal. 

Planning applications

Are you looking to plan a new subdivision or development in Edwardsburgh Cardinal? You'll need to submit a planning application and receive approval before you begin construction. Find out about our development and planning process. 

Pool permits

You need a pool permit in order to put in a pool in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal. Review the application process and learn how to apply. 

Vacant and abandoned building permits

Find out when you need a vacant and abandoned building permit and learn how to apply.