Our Animal Control Officer and Bylaw Enforcement Officer help with animal related complaints and issues in the municipality. 

Animal Control Bylaw

View our bylaw to learn more.

Dog tags are required

You must purchase a dog tag with the Township each year.

Stray cats and dogs

Our Animal Control Officer collects lost or stray cats and dogs throughout the Township. The Leeds Grenville OSPCA in Brockville is not responsible for accepting stray cats and dogs found within the Township.

Animal limits

Residents may not keep any more than three types of domestic animal species in your home and no more than an aggregate of six domestic animals. If you live in a multi-residential building that contains three or more units, you may have up to two domestic animals.

Kennel licences

You must apply for a kennel licence with the Township by January 31 of each year. Contact us at 613-658-3055 to get started. 

Report a concern

You can report any other concerns around animal control. For animal noise and excrement complaints, please contact our Bylaw Enforcement Officer.

Livestock loss by predator

If your livestock is lost due to a predator attack, our Livestock Investigator can assist.