Before you start your next planning or development project in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, we highly recommend that you book a pre-consultation with our Planning department, to discuss the requirements and possible concerns with your project. You can download our planning applications for severances, rezoning, minor variances and more.

Zoning and Official Plan

All new development projects must follow the policies and regulations set out in our Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan. The Community Development Committee is responsible for reviewing planning applications and making recommendations to Council regarding their approval. Our Committee of Adjustment reviews any applications that request a variance from our zoning bylaw that are minor in nature.

Compliance report

A Compliance Report provides owners and/or their authorized agents with information regarding a property's status with respect to compliance with development by-laws or agreements and a summary of building permit activity. Compliance Reports are typically requested as a result of a possible sale or refinancing of a building or property. You can request and pay for a compliance report online.