Technical report and assessment of Spencerville wells now available

Dear Spencerville Resident;
Concerns were raised in August this year regarding the water quality in private wells within the Village of Spencerville. Over these past months, the Township has been working closely with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks and the Leeds Grenville Lanark District Health Unit to determine possible causes for the widespread adverse results.
We understand that some residents are concerned about the role that Township activities may have played in the poor water quality, particularly in regards to recent development, truck traffic and municipal sewer line maintenance. With the support of Council, the Township initiated investigative work and actively supported the work done by the Ministry to determine the cause, including;
• Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection work conducted on sewer lines throughout the Village in search of defects that would provide a point source of contamination;
• Contracting JP2G Consultants Inc. to complete a groundwater intake assessment of the new townhouse development on David Street; and
• Private well sampling within the Village, led by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, resulting in a technical report prepared by the Ministry.
The Ministry’s technical report, and the assessment provided by the professionals at JP2G Consulting are available here:
View Groundwater Intake Assessment
Hardcopies are also available at the municipal office at 18 Centre Street in Spencerville during regular business hours.
The Township would like to thank the residents of Spencerville for their cooperation in providing sample results to the Township office. We recognize the hardship that our residents have faced in taking extra precautions and corrective measures over the past few months and we appreciate your participation throughout the studies. We would also like to thank the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for their expertise and leadership in this review, and the Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit for their support to our residents in improving their water quality.
This situation has reminded us all of the fragility of private well ownership and the need to constantly maintain and protect our systems and to conduct frequent and regular well-water tests using the free system offered by the Leeds Grenville Lanark District Health Unit.
The Township will continue to provide a drop off site for water samples on Tuesdays from 7:30am-4:30pm and Wednesday mornings from 7:30am-8:30am. Water sample kits can be picked up at the Township office during regular business hours. Questions regarding water sampling should be directed to the Health Unit at 1-800-660-5853 or
We encourage you to review the reports prepared by the consultants at JP2G and the MECP and take into consideration the recommendations made. Council will be reviewing the reports at a Public Meeting at 6:00pm on November 23rd at the Municipal Office.
Pat Sayeau
Mayor, Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
View FAQ for Spencerville Well Reports
View Well Water Fact Sheet
View FAQ for Well Water Sampling