Food Drive Challenge

Tri-Municipal Holiday Food Drive Challenge Kicks Off in South Grenville
The holiday season is a time for giving, and Edwardsburgh Cardinal, along with its neighbouring municipalities Augusta and Prescott, is stepping up to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Together, they are launching the Tri-Municipal Holiday Food Drive Challenge, a friendly competition to collect non-perishable food donations for the South Grenville Food Bank.
Residents of the participating municipalities are encouraged to join this community effort by donating non-perishable food items at various drop-off locations throughout Edwardsburgh Cardinal, including Township Office, Arenas, Fire Stations, and Libraries during regular operating hours no later than noon on December 16. Every contribution helps ensure that local families have access to food during the holiday season.
The challenge will officially kick off during SpencerWHOville on Saturday, November 30, where Township Councillors and staff will be on hand to accept donations. Residents are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to the event, which promises to be a festive start to the holiday season and an opportunity to show community support for this important cause.
The municipality that collects the most food items will earn the title of Challenge Champion. While the competition is in good fun, the real prize is the support provided to families facing food insecurity during this difficult time.
“Let’s show the spirit of Edwardsburgh Cardinal and make a lasting impact this holiday season,” said Rebecca Crich, Clerk and organizer of the food drive. “Together, we can ensure that everyone in South Grenville has access to food and the comfort of knowing their community cares.”
The Tri-Municipal Holiday Food Drive Challenge is a powerful reminder that when communities unite, they can achieve incredible things. Let’s rise to the challenge and spread the joy of giving this holiday season.
Make every item count—because every donation matters.
For more information contact:
Rebecca Crich, Clerk,
Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
18 Centre St, Spencerville ON, K0E1X0
Phone (613) 658-3055
Fax (613) 658-3445