Notice of Study Commencement - Spencerville Lagoons

The Spencerville Lagoons are currently operating at approximately 70% of its rated capacity. With the growth rates soaring in the surrounding communities, the Township has identified the potential expansion of the Spencerville Lagoons as permitting additional growth within the serviced area.
The project is being planned following the Schedule B (Wastewater) process in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment 2023.
Public, Indigenous community and stakeholder input and comment are invited, for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until May 17, 2024.
View the full Notice of Study Commencement document for additional details.
Project Contacts include:
Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal – Dave Grant, CAO, 613-658-3055, x 104
EVB Engineering – Marco Vincelli, Project Manager, 613-935-3775,