Updated Wetland Mapping and Conservation Authority Regulations
![grassy wetland at sunrise](/News-and-Notices/wetland-06132024.png)
Please view an update to this message, shared on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
On April 1, 2024, the Government of Ontario replaced individual Conservation Authority Regulations with O. Reg. 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits. This update requires Conservation Authorities to regulate development activities within 30 metres of all wetlands, as defined in the regulation.
SNC previously regulated development within Provincially Significant Wetlands and within certain Locally Significant Wetlands when requested by municipalities. The new regulation requires South Nation Conservation to regulate all wetlands to achieve consistency across the province. Additionally, the area where permission is required to develop near a wetland has been reduced from 120 metres to 30 metres.
Public consultation and regulation mapping
Conservation Authority regulation maps identify areas where permission (through a permit) may be required for certain construction, shoreline or watercourse alterations, and development activities. Draft updated mapping has been derived from a series of public datasets.
Public consultations are opportunities for stakeholders and the public to review and comment on updated mapping and to receive information on policy changes.
This Public Consultation Period is taking place between June 3 and July 11, 2024.
Public open houses and meeting requests
In partnership with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and the Raisin Region Conservation Authority (RRCA), South Nation Conservation (SNC) will be co-hosting several public meetings to provide opportunities for the public to view draft mapping and learn more about updated development permitting options.
You can find dates and locations of upcoming open houses, schedule a 1-on-1 meeting, and view a map of the draft updated wetlands and regulation limits on our Conservation Authority's website.