Water quality concerns in Spencerville
Dear Resident,
There have been concerns raised recently by residents about the quality of private well water within the Village of Spencerville.
The Municipality, in coordination and cooperation with Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) and the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit, are interested in assessing the water quality on a representative scale over the Village of Spencerville. The intent is to evaluate change in groundwater quality since the installation of a communal sewage system approximately 30 years ago and to inform on best practices for new drinking water well construction.
We are working on finalizing the scope of work with our consultants and partner agencies and are seeking your cooperation. Our consultants will be looking for select locations to participate in the water sampling program. If you are interested in volunteering your location, please provide your contact information (name, address, phone number, email) to the Township office by September 1, 2020. A copy of the sample result will be provided to the homeowner and the municipality.
Regardless of your interest in participating in the sampling program, we encourage and support the advice of the local health unit and conservation authority to have your private well tested on a regular basis. If your results come back unsafe, we recommend contacting the local health unit at (613) 345-5685 for guidance. If you require assistance in interpreting your well water test results or instruction on how to take a sample information is available on the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit’s website. The ownership, operation and maintenance of the private well is the responsibility of the property owner. Water sample bottles and a fact sheet regarding well water sampling can be picked up at the Municipal Office. Water Sample bottles that have been filled with your well water must be returned to the Health Unit water sample drop off site locations.
We anticipate starting the sampling program this September. Should you wish to share any past years private well water sample results, this would be helpful information. We are hoping to have a draft public report summarizing sample results by area later this fall.
Dave Grant, CAO